Welcome to Visualization in HCI! This course is an introduction to key design principles and techniques for interactively visualizing data. The major goals of this course are to understand how visual representations can help in the analysis and understanding of complex data, how to design effective visualizations, and how to create your own interactive visualizations using modern web-based frameworks.
After successful completion of the course you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate visualizations and suggest improvements and refinements
- Apply a structured design process to create effective visualizations
- Conceptualize ideas and interaction techniques using sketching
- Use principles of human perception and cognition in visualization design
- Create web-based interactive visualizations using D3
Limited Enrollment
To provide the best possible learning experience, this course is limited to 25 students.
Students are expected to have programming experience ideally for web development. Skills about structured programming/software engineering are recommended. In this course you are required to develop significant projects in JavaScript and D3 which can have a steep learning curve. Exceptions by permission of the instructor.
Required Textbooks
We will be using two textbooks for this class, one to cover perceptual principles of visualization and one to teach the necessary technical skills.
VAD: Visualization Analysis and Design, Tamara Munzner, CRC Press (2014)
Free online version
“Visualization Analysis and Design provides a systematic, comprehensive framework for thinking about visualization in terms of principles and design choices. The book features a unified approach encompassing information visualization techniques for abstract data, scientific visualization techniques for spatial data, and visual analytics techniques for interweaving data transformation and analysis with interactive visual exploration. It emphasizes the careful validation of effectiveness and the consideration of function before form.”
D3: Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, Scott Murray, O’Reilly (2013)
Free online version
An introduction to D3 for people new to programming and web development, published by O’Reilly. “Explaining tricky technical topics with aplomb (and a little cheeky humor) is Scott Murray’s forte. If you want to dive into the world of dynamic visualization using web standards, even if you are new to programming, this book is the place to start.” - Mike Bostock, creator of D3
Recommended Textbooks
These recommended textbooks will allow you to deepen your understanding of specific aspects of the course, such as perception and storytelling.
Design for Information, Isabel Meirelles, Rockport (2013)
“The visualization process doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it is grounded in principles and methodologies of design, cognition, perception, and human-computer-interaction that are combined to one’s personal knowledge and creative experiences. Design for Information critically examines other design solutions —current and historic— helping you gain a larger understanding of how to solve specific problems. This book is designed to help you foster the development of a repertoire of existing methods and concepts to help you overcome design problems.”
Visual Thinking for Design, Colin Ware, Morgan Kaufman (2008)
“All the clanking gears are here: variable resolution image detection, eye movements, environmental information statistics, bottom-up/top-down control structures, working memory, the nexus of meaning, and specialized brain areas and pathways. By the time he’s done, Ware has reconstructed cognitive psychology, perception, information visualization, and design into an integrated modern form. This book is scary good.” - Stuart Card, Senior Research Fellow, and manager of the User Interface Research group at the Palo Alto Research Center
The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization, Alberto Cairo, New Riders (2012)
“If graphic designer Nigel Holmes and data visualizer Edward Tufte had a child, his name would be Alberto Cairo. In The Functional Art, accomplished graphics journalist Cairo injects the chaotic world of infographics with a mature, thoughtful, and scientifically grounded perspective that it sorely needs. With extraordinary grace and clarity, Cairo seamlessly unites infographic form and function in a design philosophy that should endure for generations.” - Stephen Few, author of Show Me the Numbers
Course Components
The class meets twice a week for lectures and joint class activities. The class activities are designed to help you master the relevant materials, to work on your homework in groups, and to get you started on your project. The weekly schedule of lectures is posted on the course web site.
At the core of the course is your project. The goal of the project is to design a web site and interactive visualizations that answer questions you have about some topic of your own choosing. You will acquire the data, design your visualizations, implement them, and critically evaluate the results. The path to a good visualization is going to involve mistakes and wrong turns. It is therefore important to recognize that mistakes are valuable in finding the path to a solution, to broadly explore the design space, and to iterate designs to improve possible solutions. The project has an intermediate milestone that will allow you to get feedback and to iterate.
In your project you will work closely with classmates in 2-3 person project teams. You can come up with your own teams and use our discussion forum to find prospective team members. If you cannot find a partner we will team you up randomly. We recognize that individual schedules, different time zones, preferences, and other constraints might limit your ability to work in a team. If this the case, ask us for permission to work alone.
There is no question that the best way to learn how to create effective visualizations is by creating them. Homework assignments are going to provide an opportunity to learn design and programming skills and to test your understanding of the material. The homework assignments are designed to support you in developing your projects. See the homework as an opportunity to learn, and not to “earn points”. The homework will be graded holistically to reflect this objective.
Reading Assignments
The course schedule includes required weekly readings – you are free to study ahead, but the schedule ensures that you are prepared for the activities in class and the homework. The goal of the reading assignments is to familiarize yourself with new terminology and definitions, to learn new design and programming skills, and to determine which part of the subject needs more attention. The homework assignments may contain questions about the mandatory readings. When answering those please be brief and to the point!
Course Policies
Assessment Procedure
Your final grade will be determined by the number of points you collect. You can collect various amounts of points for the different parts of the class:
- Project: 60%, assessed on meeting the project criteria and your peer assessment. The 60% are split between the two milestones. 20% are assigned to your first milestone, 40% to your final submission.
- Homework: 40%, assessed on your individual submission. The homework assignments are weighted based on difficulty and length (A two week homework counts more than a one week homework).
In addition, the top projects will be selected through a review and voting process consisting of visualization experts across campus and industry. These projects featured on the website, and get bonus points for their exceptional work.
Project Group Peer Assessment
In the professional world, three important features affect your productivity and success: your own effort, the effort of people you depend on, and the way you work together. For this reason we have chosen a team-based approach that values all three of those features. After each team-based project you will provide an assessment of the contributions of the members of your team, including yourself. Your scores on the projects are adjusted up or down depending on the following factors:
- Your teammates’ view of your contributions to the team
- The accuracy of your own assessment of your contributions
- The accuracy of your assessment of each of your teammates’ contributions
Your teammates’ assessment of your contributions and the accuracy of your self-assessment will be considered as part of your overall course evaluation.
Collaboration, Cheating and Plagiarism Policy
You are welcome to discuss the course’s ideas, material, and homework with others in order to better understand it, but the work you turn in must be your own (or for the project, yours and your teammate’s). For example, you must write your own code, design your own visualizations, and critically evaluate the results in your own words. You may not submit the same or similar work to this course that you have submitted or will submit to another. Nor may you provide or make available solutions to homeworks to individuals who take or may take this course in the future.
In homeworks you must not use libraries or code provided on the internet except when explicitly permitted in the instructions.
In your project you may use limited parts of code found online, provided its license allows you to re-use it. You are free to use general purpose frameworks or libraries (e.g., Node.js, Bootstrap, JQuery, etc.) You may not use plotting libraries such as You must acknowledge any source code that was not written by you by a proper citation (author, year, title, time accessed, URL) directly in your source code (comment or header) and provide a link to the source. You can also acknowledge sources in a README.txt file if you used whole classes or libraries. You also must include these references clearly visible on your project website.
We will use both manual and automatic methods to check your submissions for plagiarism and will also check against online sources.
Missed Activities and Assignment Deadlines
Projects and homework must be turned in on time, with the exception of late days for homework as stated below. Because of the emphasis on teamwork, it is important that everybody attends and proactively participates in class and online. Due to the collaborative nature of the activities, it is not possible to make up any missed team activities, such as project work or design studios. (The same, incidentally, is true in the professional world.) We understand, however, that certain factors may occasionally interfere with your ability to participate or to hand in work on time. If that factor is an extenuating circumstance, we will ask you to provide documentation directly issued by the University, and we will try to work out an agreeable solution with you (and your team).
Late Policy
You can turn in your assignment up to two days late, however, for each day that an assignment is turned in late we will deduct 10% off the total possible points. That is, one-day late is 10% off, two-days is 20% off. So if your assignment is two day late, the max number of points (out of 10) that you can receive is 8. By permission of the instructor in extenuating circumstances, you may use more that two late days, however, the 10% rule per day will still apply. If you have a verifiable medical condition or other special circumstances that interfere with your coursework, please let us know as soon as possible.
Regrading Policy
It is very important that all assignments are properly graded. If you believe there is an error in your assignment grading, please submit an explanation via email within 7 days of receiving the grade. No regrade requests will be accepted orally, and no regrade requests will be accepted more than 7 days after you receive the grade for the assignment.
Additional Information
Office Hours
The instructor will provide office hours for individual questions that you might have about the homework assignments or project progress. Office hours are usually very heavily attended. Please try to limit your visits to one office hour per week, and ask your questions in the Slack team first.
This class is based on the classes taught by Alexander Lex at the University of Utah, Hanspeter Pfister at Harvard and Miriah Meyer at the University of Utah and draws on the book by Tamara Munzner at the University of British Columbia. Some of the material in this course is based on the classes taught by Enrico Bertini at New York University, Carlos Scheidegger at the University of Arizona, Marc Streit at JKU Linz, Pat Hanrahan at Stanford, Jeff Heer at the University of Washington, Hans-Joerg Schulz at the University of Rostock, Nils Gehlenborg at the Harvard Medical School, Torsten Möller at the University of Vienna, Hewlig Hauser at the University of Bergen, and Maneesh Agrawala and UC Berkeley. We have heavily drawn on materials and examples found online and tried our best to give credit by linking to the original source. You can find these credits mainly by direct links to the sources from the images. Please contact us if you find materials where the credit is missing or that you would rather have removed.
User Notice for Copyrighted Materials on Course Websites
This course website, and all original content provided as part of this course is licensed under the creative commons cc by license. Other content such as text, images, graphics, audio and video clips, (collectively, the “Content”), are protected by copyright law. In some cases, the copyright is owned by third parties, and we are making the third-party content available to you under the fair use doctrine. Fair use permits only certain limited uses of the Content. You may use this Content only for your personal, noncommercial educational and scholarly use.